Cutting Edge – Friday Fictioneers

Photo Prompt: (C) Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

I entered the laboratory one rainy afternoon. The good doctor had set up his trophies in varying shapes, sizes and colors in front of the window, but I was more focused on the incredible machine in the center of the room.

Written in giant red letters above it, “DO NOT TOUCH LASER!”

Curiosity saw me reach for it.

“Don’t,” the doctor growled.

I shook my head. “I was just stretching.”

He sighed. “That’s exactly what the last offender said,” he said, pulling me and pointing towards the derelict ruins of the property across the lake, “when that happened.”

Back again this week for Friday Fictioneers weekly photo prompt challenge. The challenge is to write a story in under 100 words inspired by the photo provided by our fairy blog-mother, Rochelle! It’s a great community filled with great writers who all provide great feedback. You should definitely check it out if you haven’t before! 🙂

35 thoughts on “Cutting Edge – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Yeah don’t touch and the other one is “wet paint,” my cousin always insists on touching to check that it is indeed wet. Then, when the paint’s smudged and her fingers are covered, she says, “Oh it is wet.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Whoops. Don’t touch is too tempting. I wonder why the government hasn’t been there yet and asked for the plans for his laser gun. Fun story.


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