Waking – Friday Fictioneers

Copyright The Reclining Gentleman

Alice stood at the doorway. Her blank stare made it look like she was peering into the void.

The room was covered in her mother’s favourite flowers in shades of yellow. In the center of the vast chamber, iron and oak was a physical reminder of the darkness that lied ahead.

Up until this moment, she had allowed herself the delusion that it wasn’t real.

But now, she couldn’t escape it. She clutched at her heart and choked back a sob. Then with a violent shake of her head, Alice crashed to the carpet and whispered a curse, “Fuck you, cancer.”


This was written as part of the weekly Friday Fictioneers challenge. Give it a try sometime! You won’t regret it. It is run by the wonderful Rochelle, who comments on almost every story that is posted. Additionally, the community is wonderful and always provides great feedback! It’s simple, really. A photo is provided every week, and you just write a 100 word or less story that comes to mind from the prompt. This week’s story is near to everyone’s heart, and I hope I did it justice. 

As always, thanks for reading! 🙂

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