Writer’s Guilt

Other than the microstories and that other flash fiction story I wrote last week, I haven’t done much in the way of writing. (btw, anyone who had hoped to vote for my story in the microstory challenge will be disappointed to know I was disqualified this week, because I wrote in present tense, and therefore missed the object of the prompt “What were you singing?”) This morning and last evening I have, though, between watching shows. So I thought I would look at the why of missing out on almost 2 weeks of writing.

I have no real excuse. While my husband was away for a week, I wanted to spend some quality time with my puppy, so that meant watching shows. I’m officially caught up now, and it’s a good feeling to know that there is so much fantastic writing in TV now. It makes me wish I had pursued my film degree if only to have been able to write teleplays.

Last week, I started and finished Jessica Jones, and it was incredible. I thought Daredevil was actually quite well done, and straight away, you get this sense that the two shows are quite similar. But the villain in Jessica Jones is far more frightening and refreshing, since there was no real “You should feel sorry for me” moments. He does what he does because he enjoys it. The only issues I had with the show was the inclusion of a character that was just annoying during every scene she was in. Not quite sure what her real purpose was.

On the flip side, I caught up on season 2 of Fargo, as well, and what a stark contrast it is to Jessica Jones. It’s clever and hilarious and doesn’t really miss a beat. There are no moments that don’t mean something. There are no erroneous characters, and every actor in it has a breakthrough scene. Kirsten Dunst is the standout for me, but just about everyone has been incredibly talented. If only because they get that accent down perfectly.

I also watch Grimm, Flash and Arrow, and while they are all more of a guilty pleasure, then a watch-for-great-writing, they have done a fabulous job this season with their relevant “season baddies.” Walking Dead has always been hit and miss, and this half of the season has had a few issues. But it’s been better than a lot of the seasons before it. And Scorpion is just fun to watch and make fun at its ridiculousness.

Nevertheless, I still have a pile of shame of shows I need to catch up on, but the next three days are going to be about writing. Today my goal is to reach the 2k mark on my book. Tomorrow, I want another 3k done. Then Sunday, I have a editing pow-wow session with my friend on book 1. Time to get stuck into this series and try to get both ready for publication by the end of 2016! 🙂

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