Practice Makes Perfect – Flash Fictioneers


Copyright Jan W Fields

I open the vermilion tapestries to bring the warm sunlight into the music room. My gaze falls upon the harpsichord. It has sat neglected since the first week we moved in.

Even now I can see the same pattern of keys moving up and down.

I try to shake off the chilling nature of it and sit down at my piano.

Then I play my song.

Intense cold bites at me despite the warm day, but I ignore it. I lose myself in the music.

My husband pulls me away from my trance, “Honey!”


“You’re playing it’s song!”


Friday Fictioneers is a weekly photo prompt challenge hosted by the lovely Rochelle. The requirement is to write a story in 100 words or less. The photo is provided and the rest is up to you. It’s heaps of fun, so come join us sometime! ย 

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