Day 8 – Progress Update (NaNoWriMo)

Wow… yesterday… is a blur. I went to bed emotionally drained.

Last night I cried and trembled writing the words that I knew were coming. I had written a version of it before, and it remained in the new outline. But I wasn’t prepared for the feeling of writing it, of putting my characters through so much pain. It really was the “darkest moment.”

But I’m getting ahead of myself! Yesterday, the goal had been to write 5-6k words, but I had feared that was too much of a stretch. I was awake at 5am yesterday, but it wasn’t until 11am that I was able to sit down to write. The plan had been to write until probably around 5 or 6pm and then play some games with hubby.

Instead, I got sidetracked a few times. I wrote while chatting with the phone company about my bill, and hubby had signed up for Blizzcon. I got really distracted with that even though I put in earphones to tune it out. He just was so excited about the news of stuff that he interrupted me a few times. I stopped completely to watch Wil Wheaton, cuz I’m a huge fan of his due to his super geek cred. πŸ˜‰ And I cooked and ate dinner.

I sat down to write for maybe an hour more at 6:30, since I had lost so much time, and 3 hours later, I finished the most grueling scene I had ever written. I looked down at the time and was surprised to see it was 9:30pm… In the end, I had written 6911. I collapsed into my bed and dreamed about heartbreak.

I am officially at 37,774 words now at the writing of this blog. If I don’t reach 40k today, there is something seriously wrong. But I’ve put off a lot this week that has caught up with me today. Laundry & ironing, vacuuming & mopping, and prepping & cooking. I also have a walk with a friend this arvo. But honestly, if I can’t manage 2 hours out of the day today, there’s something wrong.

Tomorrow, I head back in to work, thereby ending one of the best weeks I’ve had in a long time. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that this week was exhausting, though. I haven’t written so much in such a short period of time since I was 18. I have a new-found respect for full-time writers and freelancers, but I know for a certainty now that it is something I definitely want to do full-time, as well.

One of these days… I will! πŸ™‚

6 thoughts on “Day 8 – Progress Update (NaNoWriMo)

  1. impressive total – and a little daunting for poor old me, especially as I am used to be one of the leaders πŸ™‚

    I have actually been struggling – I know when this occurs because I find ‘reasons’ for procrastination. I haven’t been enjoying where I was taking the story. It is like I know the ending, but not exactly enjoying the way I am getting here

    In the end I had to take a break and rethink what I was doing. I jumped in my spa (that is great thinking territory) and plotted out the next five or so scenes. Some of these are based on real world scenarios that I have remapped to my new ‘world’

    The planning went well, but the day is running out. I usually quit for the day about now (on Sunday) to psychologically prepare for the week ahead but I will write for another hour, maybe put some lite dinner on (chuck in oven and forget until cooked), watch Doctor Who tonight, and see if I can make some more progress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I’ve had a bad day today. I have procrastinated a lot because the writing of the aftermath is wrecking me again. haha Blizzcon also was a bit of a distraction, so I have only gotten to write about an hour today. I wanted to be done by 5 but have already done half of the work around the house. But it’s now 4pm and I haven’t done any of the housework and only done 1 hour of solid writing. I’d suggest you def get the do a little more after Doctor Who just to make sure the ideas get down before your work week ruins any creativity for you πŸ˜‰


  2. NB writing comments here does count as procrastination, but also motivation. You really sound like you are enjoying the space you are in and emotionally involved with the story – even if the story is in a dark place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Technically you’re writing something. haha But I am feeling very good about the place I’m in. I was even thinking this morning that I might just continue on with the second book after I finish this one. Not sure if I’m crazy or just inspired. haha


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